
Getting Started

Installation and Setup

  1. Create a new Unity project or open an existing one.
  2. Download and import the Kinesis package into your project. That’s it.

Beginner Orientation

The recommended way to start is to review the rest of the Basics and Fundamentals sections for a high-level overview of the package and its architecture. After that, check out the Tutorial and the Demo scenes included with the package, and read the Tip & Tricks section when you’re ready to start experimenting.

If you’re reading a local version of this documentation, you can find the latest version online at You can also find the Doxygen-generated API documentation in the package directory under Kinesis/Documentation/html/index.html or online at

Package Overview

Package Contents

Code Overview


All of the code within Kinesis is namespaced.

Namespace Description
Kinesis Root namespace.
Kinesis.Core Namespace for core components.
Kinesis.Components Namespace for non-core components.
Kinesis.Demo Namespace for everything related to the demo.
Kinesis.UnityInterface Namespace for custom editors and property drawers.



